Live sound collage with field recordings and alto flute at Seafoam. Sep. 2024

Excerpts from solo sound collage with field recordings and alto flute by trē seguritan abalos at Seafoam

Field recordings, in order of appearance: train in Berlin / train to Tokyo / traditional Philippine interlocking rhythms in a procession led by Susie Ibarra in Jasmund Forest, Germany / a beech tree in Jasmund Forest / vocal samples for Asian-American reading room held by JADED / sample of mass protest in Yemen in 2023 / clock tower bells in Berlin / common chiffchaff birdsong on Rügen Island.

All samples recorded by trē except for the protest in Yemen. Videos from Jade Montesano and Iris Seoyoung Kang.


Improvised duo with I4A at Poetry Lounge. Feb. 2024


Improvisation with Drew Collins (bass) and Ross Antonich (drums). Mar. 2023