Photo by Cynthia Kramer at Mr. Small’s Recording Studio.

On Bandcamp and streaming platforms you can hear trē improvising with flutes on these records:

On Bandcamp only:

On Soundcloud you can find trē improvising with text loops in collaboration with iriseoyoung (ambient electronics) for “Read-Shifting Web,” an Asian/American reading room held by  JADED at Bunker Projects.

Future releases include a duo record of alto flute and electronics with Adam Kantz.

excerpts of live performances / jam sessions across 2023-2024:

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  • Live sound collage with field recordings and alto flute at Seafoam. Sep. 2024

    Live sound collage with field recordings and alto flute at Seafoam. Sep. 2024

    Excerpts from solo sound collage with field recordings and alto flute by trē seguritan abalos at Seafoam

    Field recordings, in order of appearance: train in Berlin / train to Tokyo / traditional Philippine interlocking rhythms in a procession led by Susie Ibarra in Jasmund Forest, Germany / a beech tree in Jasmund Forest / vocal samples for Asian-American reading room held by JADED / sample of mass protest in Yemen in 2023 / clock tower bells in Berlin / common chiffchaff birdsong on Rügen Island.

    All samples recorded by trē except for the protest in Yemen. Videos from Jade Montesano and Iris Seoyoung Kang.

  • Solo sound collage with field recordings at The Big Idea Bookstore. Aug. 2024

    Solo sound collage with field recordings at The Big Idea Bookstore. Aug. 2024

    Excerpts from a solo set of live sound collage with field recordings, SP-404 sampler, flute, and RC-202 loop station by trē seguritan abalos at The Big Idea Bookstore in Pittsburgh, PA.

    Field recordings (all collected by trē except for samples of Motaz Azaiza and Dalal Abu Amneh):

    0:00 - bells heard in a forest in Hakone, Japan - temple chimes at Sensō-ji, Tokyo - water in Pangasinan, Philippines near a woman singing under her breath - trē reading from an unsent letter: "did you know... that to escape our skin, I become a sound?" - trē's little cousin talking to herself in Tagalog in a cemetery / the cousin's mom calling her - train from Narita airport to Tokyo

    3:00 - stuck in Manila traffic, listening to Tagalog hip hop - trē saying, "... life, here? ... welcoming"

    6:00 - sample of Gazan journalist Motaz Azaiza singing - voices of food vendors on a bus to Baguio, Philippines - voices at izakaya in Odawara, Japan - train from Narita to Tokyo - trē improvising on her parents' piano in San Jose, CA - trē's little cousin speaking, birds singing around her

    10:10 - flute loop - voices of protesters in Pittsburgh

    11:20 - sample of Dalal Abu Amneh singing a Palestinian song about the olive harvest - television & voices at an izakaya in Odawara, Japan

    13:45 - trē improvising on her parents' piano in San Jose, CA - trē recounting a memory with family - same samples as opening

  • Noise set with text. "CHANNELED" Sound & Poetry Night at Fungus Books.

    2.23.24. Noise set with text. Improvised at CHANNELED: sound & poetry night at Fungus Books held by Ed and Ceremonial Abyss.

  • Solo basement show. April 2023

    Solo basement show. April 2023

    Improvised by Trē with alto flute and loop station (Boss RC-202) at Unmade Place in Pittsburgh, PA on April 19th, 2023.

    Photo by Justin Audet

  • Dialogue with cartographic improvisations by Eric Theise (excerpt 1). Oct. 2023

    Dialogue with cartographic improvisations by Eric Theise (excerpt 1). Oct. 2023

    Trē improvising with flutes, field recordings, and loop station in dialogue with live visuals by touring SF-based artist Eric Theise.

    Performed on Oct. 14, 2023 at Creative Coffee in Pittsburgh.

  • Solo alto flute with loop station at Adda's. Sep. 2023

    Solo alto flute with loop station at Adda's. Sep. 2023

    Improvised by Trē on alto flute with loop station (Boss RC-202) at Adda’s Coffee and Tea House in September 2023.

  • Solo set with flute and loop station. April 2023

    Solo set with flute and loop station. April 2023

    Improvised by Trē with flute and loop station (Boss RC-202) at Davis Cherry Blossom Festival in CA. April 2023.

  • Solo set with text, alto flute, loop station. June 2023

    Solo set with text, alto flute, loop station. June 2023

    Improvised by Trē with pre-recorded original text, alto flute, and loop station at The Big Idea Bookstore in June 2023.

  • Dialogue with visuals by Eric Theise (excerpt 2). Oct. 2023

    Dialogue with visuals by Eric Theise (excerpt 2). Oct. 2023

    Trē improvising with flutes, field recordings, & loop station in dialogue with live visuals by touring SF-based artist Eric Theise.

    Performed and recorded on Oct. 14, 2023 at Creative Coffee in Pittsburgh, PA.